Friday, June 8, 2007

Texas holdem- 2

Poker has had an explosion of growth in the 21st century. Poker has had booms in popularity before, particularly when holdem was legalized in Cali in 1988. However, nothing in poker's history compares with what is happening now.

This blog will be very helpful for those who have not played holdem before. It describes how to play a hand.

The Deal

Years ago players in all games dealt for themselves. The deal rotated clockwise afte each hand. Nowadays, most cardrooms have house dealers who deal all the cards, maintain table decorum, ensure the post and betting are correct, see that players act in turn, and award post to the winning players. The position from which the dealer would would distribute cards if the dealer were one of the player is indicated by a dealer button. Most players call it simply the button. The button is often a white disk approximately the size of a hockey puck, sometimes lebeled "button". From now on, when we speak of the button, we will be referrring either to that disk or ti thw player who sits in that position. You'll be able to tell by context what we mean.

When the house dealer distribute cards to the players, he always strats with the player in the seat to the left button and ends with the button.

All online cardrooms use a button, and it is a graphical representation of the preceding

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